RS 1000 G11 2 months free

Get 2 months free RS 1000 G11 when using the following netcup vouchers:

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The RS 1000 G11 server has 4 dedicated cores from AMD EPYC 9634 with 256 GB of super-fast NVMe SSD for EUR 9.81 per month. It has 8 GB of RAM. This is one of the cheapest dedicated vserver out there. You can use the above-mentioned netcup vouchers to receive RS 1000 G11 free of charge for 2 months.

Claim the voucher here: (English) (German)

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  • AMD EPYC™ 9634
  • 8 GB DDR4 RAM (ECC)
  • 4 dedicated cores
  • 256 GB NVMe SSD
  • Remote console etc.

For more netcup root server vouchers go to: Netcup RS Vouchers